I have been a green freak for a while now, I take my cute little reusable bags to stores and such.... but i don't push it on people, not a great way to get people to actually take a step in the right direction, Anyways, I watched the most awesomeist movie last night.
"Who killed the Electric Car" click
here to go to their website. It's not a Micheal Moore style film either. It's a REAL documentary! Dan and I put this in are Net Flix quere right when we got the flix and it took us almost four weeks to get this movie cause it was constantly out. :) Which makes me so happy that people are watching this movie.
It's a great film and i think that most people who are all about the Green Cleaning, they need to watch this and support things and get more active in doing so.
I'm not a hippie by any means, but i do wanna try and reduce my carbon foot print. I'm not a "globe warming's going to kill us all" freak either. I wanna do what is right for this beautiful planet of ours.
This is why i LOVE California so much. They are constantly pushing the states to better the environment and why I wanna live in Europe. They are awesome at this clean living thing. Did you know that in Australia they are giving grants to families to encourage them to put in solar power products. AwEsOmE!
The Toyota Prius, is already stirring up the Oil industry and pissing them off. Have you ever driven in one? A friend i grew up with owns one and it's so quiet. It was the best to use when we did pranks or would do the typical Mormon "big extravaganza" way to ask someone out. Yes, her Dad was a green freak way back in 2001 and got one of the first Prius's to hit the United States and did she get the car? She sure did! Going back to how AWESOME the Prius is, the third generation is great. It has the solar panel on the top to power all the electrical things in the car and also will cool down your car on hot hot days, meaning it doesn't even have to be on! it just does it's self and vice verse when it's cold out side too.
But they already have a fifth or sixth generation roaming around Japan and you know what it does? Hate FDA! It plugs in now and you can get almost 100 MPG. Google it, go on do it! It's not going to be on sale to who knows when but it's going to be in Showrooms in 2010!! Awesome, and unlike the Electric car, the EV1 that Saturn put out, which needed the charging stations and it got 60 mile to the charge, where you also had to install an expensive charge station at your home, this car charges from any regular socket!! Cool right? Those little cute Asian boys are such forward thinkers! LOVE that they are the ones pushing the car company's to do awesome things with their own cars! Like Chevy, will never own one, but their new small SUV gets 35 MPG city and you can get 600 t0 650 miles on one tank Highway!
I also got to drive around in a ZENN, Zero Emissions No Noise, car. My last semester in college, a incredibly odd looking car was always in the parking lot that i would park in. One day i got incredible curious and decided to look at the car, get the name and then Google it. While my head was pressed up against the window, the owner scares me by asking "Do you wanna ride?" I said yes and he took me around the parking lot and told me all about the Zenn. He was an older man, who was a quest lecture for some computer science classes that semester. He was so cool, and thought that it was great that a "young kid" like me was so interested in the Environment. It's a sweet car. Check it out
Here. Oh and the best part about the ZENN! it's not operated or made by any of the big oil car companies! It can't stop it's progress! GO ZENN MOTOR COMPANY!
I'm also very happy that I married a man who is also very green too. We hope to wait out purchasing a new car until something comes out that is just unbelievable. My car is almost 11 years old, we are praying that it last at least another 3 to 4 years, I know that it will cause Dan and I take care of our cars but you never know.
Sorry to bore you with my excitement on what is happening with the way we live. But i just wanted to talk about it for a few. :)