It's been a while since i have done a massive over load of photos from our adventures. We really don't have that many.. just lots of image of babes sleeping.
Here she is with Dad. She was watching football but decided it was to boring for her and fell asleep.
I just loved this smirk she was giving me. :)
Happy 29th birthday darling! I got him an Ice cream cake from Baskin-Robbins
She loves to nap in the love sac. She also just loves being in it! She giggles and laughs when she gets into it. Dan also plays a fun little game with her in it and she laughs hysterically during it. :) we need to get some video of it.
At the beginning of October, uncle Robert and aunt Sally took a vaca to Jeruslem, awesome right? and they asked us to house sit for the two weeks. Here is Babes and Dad during a lazy sunday watch/sleeping through some football.
Babes naping at unc's and sally's. I had to take a picture look at that arm... I love it. :) she slept like that for over an hour.
Look how cute this baby is, I love her... she really loves that love sac.
Dad snapped this the other day while baby and I took a nap together. Sometimes... okay most of the time... she wants to be by one of us during one of her naps... so sometimes i just join her.
I do believe the last two images where taken on different days.... Dan usually dresses baby in the morning cause i am at work and that "I love Daddy" onesies is his favorite.
At the ward Halloween party.
That face is so stink'n cute!
Grandma Morgan was a station the kids could go to. She read children's ghost and halloween stories to the kiddos
We are poor and have no moneiez to purchase Halloween decoration like i would love to, so i improvised and have been saving our milk cartoons since the end of August. A neighbor last year had them and i thought they were awesome and copied them. I LOVE how they turned out and am thinking this might just happen every year. I also got several compliments from our neighbors about how they loved our decorations. :) Those made my day.
More milk carton Jack-O-Lanterns.
Our door... I got that door hanging two days before Halloween at Hobby Lobby. It was like 4 dollars, that is why i got it.
Last door image.... as cute as our door was, we only got 2 groups of trick-or-treaters of 2. In total that makes 4!!! in a 24 hour period. We signed up for children in our ward to come and treat-or-treat on Saturday. So 2 on Saturday and then 2 on Sunday. It's all good, we also participated in the truck-or-treat our ward did during the party and we saw everyone then and gave out most of our candies..... Yes, the door hanging is missing half the H... and No that is not why is was cheaper... I never noticed it till i was hanging it up that is was missing. The part missing was never found, so i just assumed I purchased it like that. I'm not very observant sometimes. :)
I am jealous of your love sac. So much! Also, what treatment did you use to get the vintagey look on these shots. I love it.