I can't believe it's been six months since baby has been born. It's crazy! I know it's been a few days since she's turned 6 months but it's okay, at least i got it up. :)
Things baby can do at six months
She rolls over, one way, all the time and loves to be on her tummy now. Before she hated it. She's been able to roll over since about the time i visited Utah in Aug.
She scoots everywhere and has learned to move about the front room with rolling and scooting
She is just about to crawl. She gets up on her knees all of the time and sways back and forth
A silly thing she does is she gets up on her toes with her butt in the air when she is trying to figure out the mechanics of crawling.
She's also learned to project her self forward from on her hand and knees. She kicks off from her feet flies for about an inch then lands hard on to her stomach.
She sucks her thumb all the time
She sleeps at the drop of a hat. She loves her sleep at can sleep from 8 at night to 8 in the morning most days and loves to sleep on her stomach.
She smiles at everyone! and I mean everyone.
She is starting to reach for me. Yet, i don't think she knows that is what she is doing.
We started her on rice cereal a few weeks ago and she is now liking it. At first she didn't. We want to try and give her some avocado. We would do a banana but it has lots of natural sugar and we know she is going to love it, so we are waiting to introduce her to it.
She love clothes and gets super excited anytime I change her cloths. Like her Halloween costume. I'm not going to tell you what she will be... Grandma Cannon, my mom, bought it for her and we got it on Tuesday in the mail. Just in time for the ward Halloween party. When I opened it up, she smiled so big and kicked those little legs and giggled when she saw that it was for her.
She finally has learned to sit up on her own with out an support. It's so dang cute. This is the most recent things she does.. like Sunday recent. She was always a good supported sitter on the couch or on our laps but now it's great that she can do it by her self in the middle of a room with nothing around her. :)
She sings in the car when we go anywhere.
She talks all the time too and yes, there is a big difference between her singing and talking.
She loves playing with her toys. Grandma Griffin sent her a care package with a yellow lamb in it and when i pulled it out to show her she got so excited. She kicked her little legs, which caused her to fall from all fours to her stomach, giggled, did a few coos, then grabbed the lamb and put it into her mouth. :)
Her favorite toy tho... which is odd, is paper. She loves paper.
She loves to put everything in her mouth, mostly her thumb and her feet. :)
She hates the sun. I mean hates being in it, everything! It's so dang cute and funny.
She loves the song 'Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam' and calms down quite quickly when i sing it to her.
She laughs and giggles to the song, 'If Your Happy and You Know It'
She loves to be thrown in air and played around like that. She will always laugh so hard. :)
She is more curious about objects and will sit and study it in her hands before she attempts to bring it to her mouth.
She's always loved her car seat and driving but now she is turning her head in the car seat so that she can watch us while we are driving. It's a little creepy looking.
There are lots more but i don't feel like boring you anymore then i have.
Over all Virginia is wonderful, healthy and just the best little thing to be around. We love her. :)