
Friday, September 24, 2010

Fix-It-Friday No. 2

Again, I had some time on my hands at work and decided to participate again in I Heart Faces', Friday Photo Fix.

Today's was a little simpler then last times. They just asked us to have fun and show of our talent in photoshop.

Here is the original

Here is what i did.

My workflow

first i cropped the images to my likeing
i decided to do a square image
i then duplicated the background layer
changed that layer blending mode from normal to screen 
added some brightness and contrast to define and darken the outlines a little with an adjustment layer
adjusted my curves in an adjustment layer, but only the blue setting to get the coloring
merged my background and duplicated layer
sharpened the layer three time with sharpen more
duplicated that layer
finally added a Gaussian Blur to the new duplicated layer on the top and bottom of the image
then erased the blur to my liking

Hope you understood my workflow



  1. I love the edit! The blur around the sides loos fabulous!

  2. The blurring action is evidence of how a little bit of something can make such a big difference. I love it.

  3. Ooooooooooooooooooooh! I love this!!! Nice job! I also think you have a lovely blog!
