
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Baby Can Be Crazy Sometimes

I captured these images with my phone over the weekend.

She is crazy!!! But I love it!

Saturday morning she was playing on the floor and decided that she wanted to play in her toy basket not with the toys anymore. So she, ever so gently, threw all her toys out then climbed in the basket and played with everything that was around her. She was in there for about 20 minutes until I left the room and she followed me. I love that my baby follows me. She doesn't need to be held, she just likes being in the same room as Mom. :)

We had a water crisis here in El Paso over the weekend, caused by the frigid cold temps we got mid week.  Because of the water restrictions, we went and purchased a case of water for us to drink. We could wash in it but if we wanted to drink anything we had to boil it for 30 minutes.... gross... boiled water is nasty... I digress, we had it sitting out last night and little miss Virginia decided to play on it. She was standing all the way on it, but when mom pulled out the phone to grab a picture she wanted down.. boo.. oh well she is our little climber. 



  1. haha what a cutie! I love how she is getting in the basket to play, how funny!

  2. By the way I just noticed you know Sydnee Anderson. She is on your list of blogs on the left, I was just wondering how you knew her, she went to High School with me!

  3. I did colorguard and danced with her older sister Ashley, she is a great friend. Sydnee was also a student of mine when I taught Guard. Yes i am a uber geek. :)
